
Showing posts from May, 2021

I have never seen an ad for a self help book but this is what I imagine they go like

Small talk is fucking weird. Overall I think the weirdest part is how much absolutely no one cares.  'How was your weekend?' like you give a shit Susan. You're waiting until we're past the polite chatting to talk about your fancy new potholders with the pretty trim and flaunt the fact that your amazingly intelligent little boy has finally gotten himself potty trained two years behind the rest of his class. I think a lot of people hate small talk because they're selfish. They don't care about you, they don't care about your weekend, they don't care about your dog, they're just assholes going through the motions so they can talk about them and  their weekend and their dog.  And it's not a problem. Everyone knows that small talk is just there so you don't make yourself look like an asshole in public. It's a big old masquerade and no one is interested in seeing below the mask. It's weird, but it's what everyone does. Or it's just